About Us
Hi, I'm Ashley, owner & creator at Willow's Vintage. I am a Washington native and currently reside in Buckley, WA.

I've always been a maker... it started way back when I was a little girl. I was the kid who outlined the images in the coloring books before coloring them in. When I wasn't running around the neighborhood and playing in the sand dunes behind our house I was looking at books of animals and drawing them. I never seriously considered making art my career until I was in my 30's. After I had spent tens of thousands of dollars on a double Masters in Social Work and Public Administration at Eastern Washington University and worked in the social services field for 10 years I realized it was no longer filling my cup. Meanwhile, I was always crafting and making something on the side for a friend or gifts for family. I finally realized maybe this was what I should be doing for my career so I took a leap of faith, left my job and began to pursue my passion. Now here I am a couple of years later still pinching myself that people want to buy things I make or come craft with me at a workshop. I like to think I'm still putting my social work skills to work, but now I get to help improve your lives by bringing beauty, joy and creativity into your lives and homes.
Willow's Vintage is named after my sweet fur baby, Willow. She and her brother, Wilson, are my best pals. They are always following me around seeing how they can help me in my workshop (aka our basement). I sure wish they could lend a hand some days! But, they keep me company and serve as inspiration for my many dog signs. Plus, they remind me every day why I need to keep working hard... so I can continue to give them the best life. ;-)